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Mildly Annoying:

My dog (white) annoyed that he is forced to share his couch with the stray dog Mike found over the weekend.

My dog (white) annoyed that he is forced to share his couch with the stray dog Mike found over the weekend.

  • When an individual uses “S’up?”  to say how are you?
    “Nothing, you?”
    “Good, good.”
    What, you didn’t ask me how I was… I didn’t as you how you were… what just happened here?
  • Reaching the end of your snacks, crap all the cookies are almost gone.  ‘The icecream only has one scoop left.  When are we going shopping again?  I guess I have to ration this out for the rest of the week.’
  • When you think you had done something with your current significant other, only to realize halfway through the argument it was most certainly done with your ex.  A bit more annoying is if that memory is in any way tied to sex… like mine was a few weeks ago, how do you properly back down from that argument… “Oh, baby you are right I must have dreamed that.” WTF?!
  • The sound of something squeaking (minus a squeak toy that is cute); Styrofoam rubbing together, two metal pieces in your car aligned incorrectly (in the trunk so there is really no reason to fix it), a window that isn’t properly placed in the car, my stackable washer and dryer set ‘ehh ehh ehh ehh eek ekk ekk eek (just when it finally seems to calm down EHHKKKK EHHHKKKK EHKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK EHHHHHKKKKK) fiancé in the corner pissed off saying “We should fix that” when Mike, when it’s been like that for two years.
  • When you bump your elbow on anything.  “HOLY CRAP WHY DOES THIS STILL HURT?!”


  • Being the only other adult at a grownup/kids’ Halloween party… making small talk “So, these carrot fingers you made are cool!”
    “Thanks I can’t believe all the other people just left their kids here!”
    Kids running around screaming, step daughter comes over with candy that my purse must now house (oh I will be eating all of you later thank you), thinking to myself maybe I should leave her here?
    “It’s so nice that you stayed, thank you.”Crap.
  • Mall Kiosks.
  • Crowds.
  • “Free” stuff, when you buy stuff.


  • When the DVR is set to record something… but it doesn’t.  WHAT?!  Now I have to watch it On Demand with commercials?


  • The camera work on live shows like America’s Got Talent, or Dance Moms (yes I am sucked into the horrible world that is Dance Moms, BUT THEY DANCE SO WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I can clearly see the person to the far left was cut out of this shot... how many more were there?  Did they not dance well?  Is this rigged?

I can clearly see the person to the far left was cut out of this shot… how many more were there? Did they not dance well? Is this rigged?